Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's me again Margaret

It looks as if I might be back to blogging. We'll see. It seems that with each subsequent child, my blogging breaks are getting longer and longer! Anyway, I wanted to start afresh again, but using the original blog name so I don't get too far removed from my original mommy self.

What's going to be on this blog? Hm. Good question. I have no idea. But I've learned that leaving things open and being flexible saves room for cool things to happen. Not promising that the blog will be cool, but I'm allowing it to be whatever it wants to be.

Well, gone are the days of new parenthood, searching for answers for the best ways to feed a baby or get it to sleep, and a new dawn is upon me as a first-year homeschooling mom. I'm thinking this is where I'm going to process that a bit. I can't blog unless I'm inspired (and getting at least a little sleep), and these days are really sparking my imagination and enthusiasm for life.

One obstacle is that I have no idea how to use our new mac computer. That should be interesting. There might not be many pictures. But, who knows, maybe I'll figure it out.

Subjects I'd like to write on soon (listed here so I don't forget) are:
-Why I'm homeschooling this year
-Whether I'd like to continue homeschooling after this year, including reasons why I would and wouldn't continue
-My journey to "formal" homeschool from the beginning up till now and things I've learned along the way (including inspirational books)
-My hopes for this year's "crop" of homeschool fruit
-My current method/curriculum/educational "theory"

and, for good measure:
-A bit about my newest addition, Natalee, aka "Baby Girl"
-An update on Mikey-boo, the just-turned-four year old
-How I'm handling my home these days (cooking and cleaning)
-A bit about what I'm up to outside my home (API and Doula certification endeavors)

Welcome back to Franz Mania! It really is crazy over here. (and I love it that way)

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