I have developed a solution to my problem. Living in the middle of Houston, there are bums everywhere. Some more convincing than others...nonetheless...there are Jesuses everywhere, just staring me down.
Now. This is a problem for me. I recently took a detailed spiritual gifts inventory and, consistent with a shorter one I took 10+ years ago, "Giving" and "Mercy" were in the top 3. People like me are setting ducks for homeless dudes. If I don't have cash with me, I feel horrible...especially if I don't have any ones or fives or tens, but I DO have a twenty or fifty and opt not to give it away. SO...here's my solution!
High calorie protein energy bars with 2 or 3 dollars rubber-banded to it. This works well for most (not all) bum-on-the-street situations, and it has been very well-received. It is a very affordable way to be kind to a lot of people without going broke.
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